Saturday, October 17, 2009

It's time...

Tea time

Shawn and I have been having an affair since the Autumn weather has us feeling so cold. Even though we are devout coffee drinkers one cannot carry on with that much caffeine all day. To get past the evening (or morning, or afternoon) chill we've been consuming a lot of tea.

Pictured above is Organic Masala Chai in those wonderful triangular silk bags. This is some good tea. You can see the herbs and tea leaves in the bag not just some random fine dust. I know it's not a high end tea but it's delicious with a great aroma to boot.

The chai isn't our only dalliance, or at least not mine, I also adore the vanilla rooibos and peach and blueberry and a nice mint green tea to soothe an upset stomach (I just hope I can keep the Smooth Move boxed up).

Our new love has been encouraged in no small part by a new toy. We all know toys can spice things up but this one has not only made things more exciting but easier too.

His name is Capresso. A svelt Italian fellow that I couldn't recommend more. Capresso brings us boiling water in no time and has many uses. I flip the switch for my French press, for water to thin sauces, for oatmeal, and of course our several times daily tea. I've wanted this for a long time and am so glad that we finally brought it home.


Blogger Pamela said...

that is so hot. seriously. i'm green. envy.

11:20 AM  

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